Paste this code to the head of the form.html above the </head> tag. Adjust the #item1_date to the id of your datepicker element which also needs to be changed from the original id. Mine was originally item1_date_1

<script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { // 0 = monday, 1 = tuesday, 2 = wednesday, 3 = thursday, // 4=friday, 5 = saturday, 6=sunday var daysToDisable = [2, 4, 5]; $('#item1_date').datepicker({ beforeShowDay: disableSpecificWeekDays, minDate: 0 }); function disableSpecificWeekDays(date) { var day = date.getDay(); for (i = 0; i < daysToDisable.length; i++) { if ($.inArray(day, daysToDisable) != -1) { return [false]; } } return [true]; } }); </script>