Paste this code into a html element and place it at the top of your form.
You only need to make your input names match the code below or change them to match yours.

<style>#docContainer #item9{display:none;}
</style><script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready(function(){
//The inputs you want read only and the sumtotal class set to
$('input[name="text1"]').attr('readonly', true);// name of item 1 subtotal $
$('input[name="text2"]').attr('readonly', true);// name of item 2 subtotal $
$('input[name="grandtotal"]').attr('readonly', true);// name of grand total $

// name of amount of item 1
$('input[name="item1amount"]').bind('keyup keypress click blur',function(){
var valone = $('input[name="item1amount"]').val();
var valtwo = 13.00;
var total1 = ((valone * valtwo));
if(valone > 0){
$('input[name="text1"]').val(total1.toFixed(2)); // cost sub total of item 1
}else if (valone == ""){
if ($('input[name="item1amount"]').val()== "" && $('input[name="item2amount"]').val()==""){
// name of amount of item 2
$('input[name="item2amount"]').bind('keyup keypress click blur',function(){
var valone = $('input[name="item2amount"]').val();
var valtwo = 22.00;
var total2 = ((valone * valtwo));
if(valone > 0){
$('input[name="text2"]').val(total2.toFixed(2)); // cost sub total of item 2
}else if (valone == "" ){
if ($('input[name="item1amount"]').val()== "" || $('input[name="item2amount"]').val()==""){
function calculateSum() {
var sum = 0;
$('.sumtotal').each(function() {
var text = $(this).val().replace("$", "");

if(this.value!="" && this.value.length!=0) {
sum += parseFloat(this.value);
$(this).val("$" + $(this).val());


$('input[name="grandtotal"]').val("$"+sum.toFixed(2)); // grand total
$('input[name="actual_grandtotal"]').val(sum.toFixed(2)); // actual grand total
