Counting characters

500 character max.
500 character max.

Step 1. Paste the counter div codes below into their own html element and position them where needed.
Step 2.Paste the script into the head of your page, after export, just above the scipts that are already there.
Step 3. Change the textarea1 and textarea2 to match the name of your text areas that you used in the form builder.

</style><script src="common/libs_js/jquery-1.4.4.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">jQuery.noConflict();
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {$('textarea[name=textarea1]').keyup(function () { var max = 500; var len = $(this).val().length; if (len >= max) { $('#counter1').text(' you have reached the limit'); } else { var char = max - len; $('#counter1').text(char + ' characters left'); } });
$('textarea[name=textarea2]').keyup(function () { var max = 500; var len = $(this).val().length; if (len >= max) { $('#counter2').text(' you have reached the limit'); } else { var char = max - len; $('#counter2').text(char + ' characters left'); } }); });</script>

Comment one count div HTML code

<div id="counter1" class="counter">

Comment two count div HTML code

<div id="counter2" class="counter">